четверг, 24 мая 2012 г.

Google provides support for gaming joysticks in Chrome browser

Google, Inc. a major producer of software and cloud services provider, plans to include in its Chrome browser supporting gaming joysticks for easy management of games, RIA Novosti reported.

Upgrade your browser, which will be released in the first quarter of next year, will play games through a browser (for example, in the cloud gaming service OnLive), without installing any additional extensions. In addition to support game controllers, Chrome will also add support for microphones and cameras - devices that are often used in today's online games, working through a browser.

According to technology expert Paul Kinlana Google, and later also in Chrome will support WebRTC - an online video chat technology, which can be used to implement projects such as OnLive, - when, in any state of the art video game can be played via the Internet without installing it on your computer.

However, the representative. Google. separately emphasized that although the company intends to implement in your browser WebRTC, plans to develop its own gaming service like OnLive, it does not. However, the online store applications for the browser Chrome Web Store contains dozens of gaming applications, the appearance of gamepad support which would make the gameplay much more convenient, according to the Google.

Google Chrome - one of the world's most popular web browsers. Its first version was released in December 2008. According to the analytical site StatCounter at the end of October, Chrome ranked third in the world's most popular, with 25 % of the global browser market, and second only to Internet Explorer and Firefox. At the beginning of the year, according to the same source, the percentage of Chrome does not exceed 10%.

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