среда, 6 июня 2012 г.

Telecom: Different from the face - in the same

Moreover, given that the phone is the same, so also on both links. www. convex. ru. and. www. intektelecom. ru. get on the same site on the first page of which is not a word about the Convex, and the subsequent difficulty is something about the Intech.

Lord, registering a special domain for INTECH, for 3 months did not bother to do it under a separate site. Promotion is almost an unknown Intech doubly strange when there is less promoted brand UralVESa.

According to analysts, English-language name of the telecommunication company in Russia increases its profits by 15%.

All in all specimens, although a pleasant view, suffer from a lack of differentiation of brands and nevpolne adequate accommodation ( side-by -side for less?).

Do not chase you could pop for cheap?.

понедельник, 4 июня 2012 г.

We need your help

Details in the diary. have Bournisien. And now he is still my 100WMZ. The money is needed until April 3.

Even if you do not have money, maybe that's your census in my blog will help the child survive.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

суббота, 2 июня 2012 г.

A funny story about an entrepreneur and high tech.

army leave their native Chemistry Department of Kazan State. insolent.
manner persuaded me to write the secretary to the group with the most beautiful.
girls, and a week later this same group was represented by.
The girls there really were nothing but boys did not let us down. With someone.
of them I still poddrezhivayu contacts, someone lost - all as.
That's the day I was at once I noticed one thing wonder. Lesha it.
name. What an asshole slouching in a sports suit, skinny, and wearing glasses.
A disheveled, and in general, mumbled. Alex was born not from Kazan, -.
In my opinion, of Yelabuga, maybe not, I do not remember. He lived in a hostel,.
of course. Call him a fool could not, but that he was not of the world.
this - definitely. For all its botanical form, Alex studied at the.
the brink of default - at each session, not only took off a miracle. No, not.
because it was stupid - the usual story, in general,. Once one of the.
obschazhnyh girls for some reason there was no room in her room, and.
she went to sleep in the bed to Lesha. Self- other, woke up pregnant.
and then gave birth to a girl, and Leszek when such cases went waving a broom in.
their free time to his sweetheart with her daughter to feed.
Free time he had a little girlfriend and her daughter all the time is.
like, so that it is not surprising that the lectures Lesch was rarely.
It's all good, and usually. We both lived in two-thirds obschazhnyh. but Lesch.
and then stood. Do not be afraid to say it was unique. For all its.
botanskih habits and the complete lack of business acumen, Alex wanted to.
become a businessman. In those rare days when he was not waving a broom and.
looked to our own Chemistry Department, he gave an absolutely fantastic.
projects. He tried to shake off some our farming, which he.
the third brother in the pudding 've stole from somewhere, and almost drove to.
Novosibirsk. He has undertaken more some fantastic projects with the purchase and.
sale of land, he was ready to put our ultra-modern video equipment.
for the minimum investment forward.
Above all laughed Lesha. Not only his fellow students, and professors.
Department of. But Alex was not discouraged, he did his crazy offer everyone.
who was willing to listen. We are indebted, too, were not themselves.
composed for his business projects on the go, purely to mock.
About this type: ...
kurovozkami. Kurovozki - these are cars that are now filled.
eggs. Ingredients need to catch up to Vladivostok. As he goes, from eggs.
chicks hatch and grow in chickens. In Vladik we sell to.
good broth, and half the money goes? ' .
fled to agree with something kakmi bratkami for the transaction.
As I said, laughed at everything Lesha. But he was not discouraged, and.
molested anyone who caught him in the corridors of our alma mater.
So once he came up to my then- manager, Igor.
Andreevich Arkhipov, a proposal to invest one hundred DM.
purchase of a VCR.
Guys, if you remember those days, we must understand that vidak - is.
was a thing. It was all. It was super! .
Goldstar could buy ( get ) is not less than $ 300, -.
Again, it is crazy for that time, money. Alex also.
Igor Andreevich not offered the Soviet- Korean, but the most that any.
a native Japanese VCRs in just a hundred, or even dollars,.
and DM. With one small caveat - the money needed to make.
Now, as the recorder will then, after a month. Alex waved both hands,.
explaining how his friends mafia bratki somewhere will buy something on the.
these brands at home, then it's something sold in Poland, and will buy something.
there will be transferred to Germany, will be sold again, and finally proceeds.
buy coveted vidak. Wow, he waved his hands as much as all the plaster around the.
poshkryabal. So waving that. Igor A. believed him. And gave Lehi,.
without receipts there are 100 brands of the most cherished. This is probably at the.
during his two monthly salaries were.
As we all over Igor Andreevich then laughed! .
classmate and good friend, even offered to bet Igor Andreevich - 50.
against $ 10, Igor Andreevich neither money, nor never Vydac.
see. In frustration, Igor A. wagers accepted, it is my own way a man.
was, and now this, I think, just a little bit older.
Alex, having received money from Arkhipova, just missing. Next month.
we have not seen. On the last day of term -approved when.
We are tired of the hiccups at all, laughing at the klutz - Arkhipov, there was Alex,.
arm in arm with the VCR, which he solemnly Igor Andreevich.
and handed. Mother, kondovo, Japanese VCR, which cost in our.
margins of at least $ 400. Arkady, of course, losing 50 tanks.
Igor Andreevich immediately gave. Then he scratched his head, and offered more.
300, for the entire vidak. The deal was in place, and all were satisfied.
Igor A. profited, Arkady saved 50, earned harsh.
trade on black market, buying dollars on the Japanese unit, and Lesch.
We all wondered, and what with all that was Alex? .
hide - from all this enchanting deal he got 10 marks a clean.
profits, and the janitor work on some luxury car park. He gave us.
In general, once the possibility of a neighing.
And in a year Alex was on the Chemistry Department with another stunning.
the idea. By the time he was with us did not learn - kicked out of his still - in.
poor progress. He came, shaking a crumpled reklamkoy,.
printed on lousy photocopier. The exact text reklamki I do not remember it.
discussed about some courses in Moscow, there is some network.
programming, with the prospects of leaving a permanent job in America.
Completely do not remember the name of any company's paper was signed by. And Alex.
went looking for investors. Wanted 500 U.S. dollars. Well rzhach.
After all, no strength! .
Narzhalis from the heart, of course. And Arkady, too. Arkady was so fun that.
he had already decided to sponsor Lesha, gave him either 100, or $ 150.
The next day, Alex was gone again, and the more I have never in my life.
seen. Arkady soon lost, too - right after university.
He emigrated to Israel. All the 100-150 dollars Arkashinyh forgotten.
with Lesha, and with itself, we Arkasha no, no, yes phoned.
Here, in one of the times, he suddenly asked me, I heard something about.
Lesha. I honestly said no. A Arkashka reminded me of one of its.
crazy deal. It turned out that at that time Alex did not disappoint,.
paid off flawlessly, however, shares. Stocks, of course, it does not hurt any.
outstanding companies were. In a free market, these shares did not.
sold, but its workers received certain number of them in addition to.
wage. USD 500 Lesch Arkashka then transferred shares. In general,.
laugh all at once. And the name of the company was funny -.
Google. Oh, how sideways to google Leszek in 2000 settled down to work, I do not know.
And with Arkasha I phoned again recently, it turns out it's actually sold.
these shares, says a just - pay the balance of the loan for the house enough, well,.
and slightly more children in the education fund set.
And with Leszek Google does not work anymore. He is a businessman by nature,.
creative soul. Sam is now the owner of any IT company, title I,.
however, I do not know. All going to call him, wondering what kind of.
He is now business projects in the head. Probably because there is, so I think.
can participate?.
http://cheitabych. livejournal. com/8447. html.